UROMED Balloon Catheter Set »NEPHROquick®« with 2 additional holes
Balloon Catheter Set for percutaneous kidney drainage
The first nephrostomy set with a 10 Charriere balloon catheter. It can be applied with a few steps only, however, it combines all advantages of the techniques known so far:
- safe fixation and lowest space requirement in the renal pelvis
- high wearing comfort
- good dilation
Go and find out yourself about »NEPHROquick®«.
- dilator and balloon catheter in one
- balloon catheter made of pure silicone
- overall radiopaque
- graduated
- nonkinking
- semi-solid
Set contents:
- Lunderquist guidewire 0,035"/0,89 mm, length 90 cm, with insertion guide (REF 2700)
- puncture cannula, 17,5 GA/1,3 mm, needle length 18,5 cm (REF 2613)
- fascial dilator Ch. 8/2,7 mm (REF 2650)
- fascial dilator Ch. 10/3,3 mm (REF 2650)
- »NEPHROquick®« Catheter and obturator with catheter connection, »INTEGRAL« Ch. 10, balloon 2 ml, with two additional holes for renal drainage (REF 2531)
In addition the UROMED Filling Medium for inflating the balloon is included in all nephrostomy balloon catheter sets.
The QuickGuide shows you step-by-step how to successfully install a percutaneous nephrostomy catheter for renal drainage.
2607 |
Original carton: 5 pieces
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