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Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP)
Treatment Is Possible

Induratio penis plastica (IPP) is a chronic, mostly intermittent disease of the penis corpora cavernosa. About 5% of men are affected. IPP usually occurs in men who are 45 years of age and upwards, but it sometimes occurs in even younger men.

Induratio penis plastica initially leads to pain and fibrosis, formation of scar tissue along the penis, which can be diagnosed as plaques directly under the skin. This is often followed later by penis shrinkage and/or bending. IPP is often combined with erectile dysfunction or testosterone deficiency (hypogonadism). IPP can be caused by a penile fracture, for instance.

Oral medication and injections often do not bring the desired results. Electromotive drug administration (»EMDA®«*) can provide good results and should be used especially in the early stages of IPP (inflammatory-fibrosing phase of the plaques). Verapamil, dexamethasone or lidocaine may be used. Slight deviations can be improved and there is also a clear reduction in pain. The treatment itself is painless and free of side-effects.

* Only available in Germany and Switzerland