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UROMED Nephrostomy Balloon Catheter Set

UROMED Nephrostomy Balloon Catheter Set

Balloon Catheter Set for percutaneous kidney drainage

This comfortable nephrostomy set enables the application of an »INTEGRAL« balloon catheter Ch. 12. The integrated  flat balloon allows an optimal use of the lumen of the peel away sheath. The removal of the catheter will be easier and painless to a great extend.

  • balloon catheter made of pure Silicone


  • Lunderquist guidewire 0,035"/0,89 mm, length 90 cm (REF 2700)
  • puncture cannula 17,5 GA/1,3 mm, needle length 18,5 cm (REF 2613)
  • fascial dilator Ch. 7/2,3 mm (REF 2650)
  • fascial dilator Ch. 9/3 mm (REF 2650)
  • fascial dilator Ch. 11/3,7 mm (REF 2650)
  • fascial dilator Ch. 13/4,3 mm, with peel away sheath (REF 2655)
  • NEPHRO-KATH »INTEGRAL« Ch. 12 (REF 2500)

In addition the UROMED Filling Medium for inflating the balloon is included in all nephrostomy balloon catheter sets.

Packaging: double, sterile
Original carton: 5 pieces

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