EMDA®* in bladder and prostate - a proven and reliable drug delivery system
Electromotive drug delivery system for intravesical instillation and percutaneous administration of drugs
Working principle:
Electro-molecular interaction of iontophoresis, electrophoresis and electroporation, using an electric field to enable targeted delivery of drugs into deep tissue layers.
EMDA® enables a:
- minimally invasive, atraumatic treatment
- uniform and gentle drug diffusion into the tissue
- reduction of psychological pressure on the patient
Abacterial cystitis
Therapy of interstitial, radiogenic and chemoinduced cystitis
Bacterial cystitis
Syndrom of OAB - overactive bladder
Therapy of storage symptoms pollakisuria, imperative urination and nocturia with or without incontinence
Local anesthesia
Anesthesia of the bladder
Treatment of infectious and non-infectious prostatitis
Drug treatment of superficial bladder carcinoma
Induratio Penis Plastica (IPP)
Treatment of fibrotic plaques
EMDA® Method Physician Information Brochure:
The EMDA® Method Physician Information at a Glance brochure is intended for physicians interested in sequential therapy for non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC). The document provides a quick overview of the authoritative studies for the EMDA® Method.
View EMDA® Method Physician Information Brochure
* Only available in Germany and Switzerland.
Additional information available upon request.
PHYSION s.r.l.
Via Fogazzaro 4/B
41037 Mirandola (MO)
Exclusive distribution:
UROMED Kurt Drews KG
Meessen 7/11
22113 Oststeinbek
Packaging: none
Original carton: none
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The products presented here are a program extract, further information is available upon request.
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